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“palatum molle”
palatum mobile, palatum molle
The soft, mobile, posterior (back) one third of the palate which is the inside upper part of the mouth where the front is the harder part or the hard palate, and where the back or softer part is the soft palate.
It is attached anteriorly to the posterior margin of the hard palate and laterally to the pharyngeal wall, and it extends backwards and downwards into and between the nasal and oral parts of the pharynx or the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone.
This entry is located in the following units:
mobil-, mobi-
(page 2)
mot-, moto-, -motile, -motility, -motorial, -motoric, -motive, -motored; mov-
(page 6)
palato-, palat- +
(page 3)
palatum molle
Soft palate.